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Real Yields: Long-Term Mean Reverting


Asset Class Correlations with S&P 500

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Ample Active Opportunities in International Space

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Relative Valuation U.S. Small vs U.S. Market (1987-2014)

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Performance Spread in Some Fund Categories is Tighter Than in Others

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Evolution of the Top Quartile Funds from 2009 to 2014

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Video: The Very High Cost of Waiting to Save for Retirement

The Infidelity of Financial Affairs

For time immemorial we have known that men are bigger cheaters than women. It seems that men, by their very nature, are more inclined to hide their infidelities and risk their relationships. Now we learn that women can be bigger cheaters than men, but with financial affairs, not romantic affairs.

Have a Long Term goal? Financial Planning can Help You get you there

After several years of wallowing in financial upheaval caused by a severe recession and financial crisis, Americans are, once again, looking to the future. A renewed confidence has many people setting their sights on long term goals that, just a few years ago, may have seemed out of reach.

Sequence of Returns Risk is the Real Threat to Your Retirement Plan

Even as the stock market works its way to new highs, retirement savers, still shell-shocked from the extreme volatility of recent years, are slow to wade back into equities. Smaller investors tend to ignore the history that shows that the market eventually rewards those who can withstand the fluctuations and stay the course through the various market cycles.

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