Depuis le vote de la seconde loi de finances rectificative en juillet 2012, les revenus fonciers et les plus-values immobilières de source française, perçus par les personnes domiciliées fiscalement hors de France, sont soumis aux prélèvements sociaux au taux global de 15,5 %.
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La gestion d’actifs, l’assurance vie et le capital investissement sont concernés par FATCA
We Need Less Trading, Higher Fiduciary Bar
Jusqu’où l’euro peut-il baisser contre dollar?
Submitted by Your Personal CFO - Bourbon Financial Management on September 11th, 2014
After market-risk and inflation-risk, which investors take great strides to mitigate through sound investment practices, taxation-risk presents the biggest obstacle to building wealth. A sound investment strategy not only seeks to generate returns on your capital, it also seeks to preserve as much of your capital as possible to keep it working for you.
Submitted by Your Personal CFO - Bourbon Financial Management on August 25th, 2014
Discover the latest BFM charts of the markets (stocks, bonds...)
The saving versus paying off debt is an age-old quandary that has plagued people since the advent of consumer debt. Pose this question to a group of financial planners and the responses will be split, roughly down the middle. While there might be as many advocates for savings as there would be for paying down debt, the broad consensus will likely be that it really depends on the situation.
The gap between the 20-year S&P 500 return and the average equity fund investor return expanded in 2013. This was the first gap expansion since 2010 and only the 3rd in 10 years. The S&P 500 return increased from 8.21% to 9.22% in 2013 while the average equity fund investor return increased from 4.25% to only 5.02%. This resulted in the gap widening from -3.96% to -4.20%.
Submitted by Your Personal CFO - Bourbon Financial Management on January 25th, 2014
Over the past few years, we’ve carefully assembled practical tips and videos you can use to help you make better and more informed life decisions.
See examples of "cognitive illusions," and learn why humans make predictably irrational decisions.
For example, did you know that your vision can literally “trick” you whenever it can?
Submitted by Your Personal CFO - Bourbon Financial Management on January 25th, 2014
It's hard to save money. It's really hard. It's hard for monkeys and it's hard for us humans as well. Laurie Santos, associate professor and director of Yale University's Comparative Cognition Laboratory, and her colleagues conducted some very interesting experiments involving capuchin monkeys and financial decision-making.
Submitted by Your Personal CFO - Bourbon Financial Management on December 9th, 2013
Studies have demonstrated that the track record for individual investors is not encouraging. From 1990 to 2010, the unmanaged S&P 500 Index earned an average of 7.81% annually. Over that same period, the average equity investor earned a paltry 3.49% annually!
Submitted by Your Personal CFO - Bourbon Financial Management on December 9th, 2013
Les distorsions cognitives sont souvent la cause des mauvaises performances. Comment les minimiser?